Sunday, September 26, 2010

Exciting Week!

Hello everyone! I'm very excited this week because Renee Haddadin is coming to Let's Quilt this week to teach for 4 days. She will teach 2 days of her special piecing technique and 2 days of long arm training. I'm excited because i get to take the long arm training class, which will teach us how to do all her amazing rays! I am fixing a special little luncheon for the girls on Monday, i will be fixing a broccoli quiche and a delicious butter lettuce pear salad! It will be a long and crazy week for me, but I'm looking forward to it! I will try to take pictures and keep you updated. Have a great week everyone! I'll talk to you all on Sunday.

PS. Here's a sneak peek of my sample for the class I'm teaching!


  1. Wow, love your blog - it looks great. What kind of longarm do you have?

  2. It's an Innova. It's a really fabulous machine! I love it! I work at the Innova Training Center where we teach new macnine owners the ins and outs of longarming.
